AMS*SMG - Sample management

AMS*SMG - Sample management

AMS provides a complete sample management. Samples that are attached to batches as accompanying samples for testing purposes can be managed in AMS.

Since sample types are usually recurring and have little difference in kind, material and form templates for samples can be created and managed in the administration. Based on these templates AMS manually or automatically generates specific sample instances when needed. These sample instances are attached to batches (~furnace campaigns).

Functional features

  • Sample templates (material, manufacturer, dimensions etc.) can be created.
  • Specific samples can be created automatically and furnished with a sample sheet.
  • Samples cover materials and alternative materials (especially useful when end customer does not provide samples but destructive testing is requested).
  • Distinction for diffusing treatments whether hardness diagrams (NHT or CHD) are required.
  • Control at heat treatments whether the necessary sample coverage is given. Batches without sample attachments cannot be saved. The user is specifically supported in the selection of the samples.
  • Sample attachments for repeat parts can be precisely determined.