BITMi Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V.

(Federal association of the IT middle-class)


TTC Informatik's headquarter is located in Germany. We don't plan to relocate parts of our production to other countries or externally outsource them. We explicitly confess to Germany as our location.

TTC Informatik GmbH not only competes internationally in the market but also competes for the best employees in the IT sector. We rise up to this competition.

The BITMi is the only professional IT association that represents middle-class interests exclusively. Its members are medium-sized IT businesses from all fields of the IT sector and mainly owner-managed. The association brings together established IT companies as well as start-up businesses to jointly work out their interests. Additionally to its direct members, the BITMi also gathers other associations representing the interests of more than 1,000 medium-sized German IT businesses which account for a total sale of several billion Euros.

The key objective of the BITMi is to accelerate company growth and productivity for small and medium-sized IT businesses and forward the market development through intensive networking paying special attention to strengthening Germany as an industrial location. For this purpose the BITMi cooperates with the federal ministry of economics providing an own voice for the IT middle-class. The membership in the PIN-SME (Pan European ICT & eBusiness Network for SME) - the only European association representing only IT SMEs - enables the BITMi to give its opinion on the European level. Perspectives, strengths, importance, chances and challenges of the IT middle-class are communicated in politics and in public.

To learn more about the BITMi click here for further information (available in German only).