Many medium-sized businesses desist from building up and maintaining an own IT department. Either the accruing workload is not sufficient for hiring own employees, the company does not want dependences to arise or costs ought to be reduced. Furthermore qualified staff in this field is rare, cost-intensive and causes further financial efforts through trainings and constant qualification.
We support you with determining and analysing your needs for IT systems. Subsequently the IT systems are implemented in your company, optimised in the long term and maintained.
This concerns:
Our IT specialists and graduate computer scientists dispose of the necessary qualification, the expertise and are permanently trained according to current developments. Expertise and quality is an essential success factor in a support organisation.
The IT sector is exposed to an enormous change. Compared to other industries, innovations take place really fast and comparatively short-dated. Therefore a task of responsible and sustainable handling with IT is the constant reconciliation with technical innovations.
Common task situations concerning IT systems are: | |
Hardware |
Software |
Network |
The detection and treatment of hardware failure is often handled via a maintenance contract. This includes information on the reaction time, spare parts, work and travel times and is adjusted custom-fit to your requirements and the given IT budget.
In the case of a problem with IT components or executed programs we support the local system administrator via phone or remote access to your infrastructure. We perform an initial analysis, carry out the appropriate work and, if necessary, initiate further measures. For this purpose TTC creates and uses a suitable infrastructure for the external access. On request additional system checks (event logs, backups, anti-virus/malware updates and general system status) are performed.
The goals of the preventive maintenance - in the IT field often referred to as pre-emptive (network) monitoring - are comparable to the common maintenance of usual technical plants and operating materials. Since this task situation enjoys a high priority in our company, we dedicated an own chapter to it. You will find further information here.
An optimal support is essential for a high user acceptance. We offer your users a central contact point for tasks, problems and questions in the context of your IT's usage. For this purpose, trained IT specialists in the 1st level support are provided. This way, according to our experiences, most of the requests and tasks can be solved directly and questions can be answered specifically. If necessary we use a remote access to the affected client or network component and support the user's approach. For further information on the technical possibility of the remote access please visit the section online support
For unfinished questions and complex tasks the colleagues fall back on our 2nd-level support. This team consists of experienced developers and programmers and is permanently informed of all activities. We are using methods and guidelines of the process given by the ITIL which is also the basis for our ticket system.